Which Country Has Worst Education System?

Which Country Has Worst Education System?

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Which country has the worst education system? You may think that the Central African Republic ranks the bottom, but the fact is that it is not the worst. It is in fact the 4th worst, with a 56.6% adult literacy rate. This country is presently engulfed in internal conflict, resulting in the deaths of thousands and displacement of millions of people. However, UN officials are now pushing for increased education efforts to improve the education levels of refugees in the country.


The lack of educational opportunities in Niger has been a longstanding problem in the country, with more than 70 percent of the poorest girls not attending primary school. School supplies alone accounted for 75 percent of the total education budget of the poorest households. The country expects its students to complete school for less than six years, and many parents feel that girls’ education is not worth the effort. To address this issue, the country must change the way people think about education. In addition to better schools, more resources should be devoted to training teachers. Another way to improve girls’ education is to open the conversation about it and challenge assumptions about gender roles and education. Physically, this means building schools with quality materials, running water, and other features to make them more secure for children.


While many countries have poor education systems, Ethiopia’s ranks are at the bottom of the list. EDI (educational development index) is 0.622, just above the next worst country, Eritrea. ALR (average length of stay) is 39%. It is no surprise that the education system in Ethiopia is poor – a country with so many problems will eventually have the lowest education standards in the world.

Central African Republic

The Central African Republic is the country with the worst education system in the world. The conflict in the country has disrupted education and schools throughout the country. Armed groups have destroyed schools and occupied them for military purposes. The education system in Central Africa has been hit particularly hard, and only 22 per cent of children complete primary school. Armed groups also abuse teachers and children, and sometimes the schools themselves are destroyed. It’s not clear if the situation will improve in the future, but armed groups must be put off their attack on the country’s education system if it is to be sustainable.


According to a report by the United Nations Development Programme, 36.5% of children in Chad are not in school. The country is one of the poorest in the world in terms of education, ranking 163rd out of 189 countries. The government spends only 2% of its GDP on education, one of the lowest percentages in the world. The average student in Chad has no access to a quality basic education. The government also spends minimally on education staff: more than 70% of teaching staff are uncertified and temporary.


Mali has the worst education system in the world. This is largely due to the country’s history, which has been dominated by a series of different countries. As a result, the country has struggled to develop a single, unified system that could cater for the needs of all students. Moreover, the education system in Mali lacks uniformity, making it difficult for students to get the information they need.

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